Sunday, March 25, 2012

The significance of the Engagement Ring

The engagement Ring is a way of indicating to men that the woman has already been taken. This kind of custom is prevalent from time immemorial and in all cultures of the world; though not as an engagement Ring, but in many other ways, to tell other men that this girl is taken. Equally, many women may also feel proud to show off how much her man loves her, by the kind of engagement ring he has given.

Men all the time feel overwhelmed when buying the engagement ring for their would-be-wife. Sometimes they may be on the verge of becoming a nervous wreck. What would the engagement ring characterize on her finger - and how much should it cost? Moreover we are not sure either the woman will like it after all this, In fact these considerations make men put off buying the ring until the last minute.

But when we seek the view of women, you will be surprised to hear their version. It is not how the ring looks that matters nor is it even how expensive the ring is. Women look for commitment and love that is expressed straight through this ring. They can perceive which man is lying and which one is sincere.

The significance of the Engagement Ring

When you ask a woman about the kind of significance she would give to the ring or its monetary value, many women would say that on the 1 - 10 scale, they would say their significance to the ring will hover nearby 4, not merely because it isn't only a symbolization of love, but it is part of the commitment to continue the relationship. At the same time, women would argue that more than these materialistic things, it is the trust and love that is signified by this, which matters. In a situation where the woman is getting into a association with a man, the Diamond Rings!

In the same breath, women also feel that the engagement is something like proof towards the fact that the man cares for her, and cares what others may say of them. It proves that it isn't any more about words, and that the man verily intends to marry her. Above all, it is a sort of original gift among humans for a long time. This naturally means, that is how things are in our world.

Many women also feel the ring is after all not a necessity. Some women say that they don't feel that they should have it willy-nilly. But at the same time, women, being what they are, usually like to have something to show to the world, show to other people, and show there is a association being built already. Women tend to get more impressed by a profligate wedding and purchasing the ideal wedding-gown!

Aside from this, people will continue to gift engagement rings to their women when they propose. Thus the engagement ring in itself has a phenomenal personal significance to both man and the woman. The significance is verily not based on the value of the metal, or the brilliant or the cost of the brilliant cast on gold or platinum. The engagement ring is a representative of deep emotional sentiment which would last not only your lifetime but much more!

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