Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to Clean a diamond Ring

Diamond Ring is located in a recipient containing a extra cleaning fluid and it is in effect 'shaken' clean by the vibrations within the solution created by the machine.

We do not suggest this method as it can cause the Diamond Ring even if it is offered to you free of charge unless of course you accept the risk factor.

The best method is what we call the 'soap sud' method.

How to Clean a diamond Ring

You pour a small whole of boiling water in a small recipient in which a drop or two of liquid detergent has been added. Then taking an old tooth brush, dipped into the solution, you begin to brush the ring looking to it that the bristles of the brush are penetrating the small openings nearby the Diamond Ring falling into the water evacuation hole, rinse your solitaire ring under the hot tap in order to remove whatever soap suds that may remain and then dry your ring using a clean kitchen towel or tissue.

Having done this there is one more prominent step to take and that involves methylated spirits.

Place the ring in a small recipient containing some methylated spirits for 15 seconds, then wiggle it a bit within the solution in order to originate movement. The solitaire ring is then dried using the kitchen towel or tissue again.

The methylated spirit will revive the brilliance of the metal and it will again shine and it will remove any 'haze' follow left by the liquid detergent, giving the solitaire that extra sparkle it deserves.

This is the only method we at the Jewellery Web Shop in effect suggest as no damage can be done to the solitaire and its mount.

Under no circumstances must any hard objects be used to pry into the orifices of the ring nor whatever harder than the bristles of a toothbrush as otherwise there is a risk of supplementary scratching to the metal of the ring.

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