Friday, April 13, 2012

diamond Rings: The Carat Club

If it's a carat or more, you can rejoice - you are a part of the growing and remarkable carat club. When it comes to diamonds, 'carat' is something that everyone who knows their stones automatically thinks of. Most citizen can't afford to have a diamond Ring that is everywhere close to a carat. However, having one is an speculation as the prices for the larger stones go up quicker than the smaller stones.

The amount of carats that diamonds in diamond Rings are is normally in the news when it refers to celebrities. So for the rest of us, a carat is a big deal but when it comes to the rich and famous, many carats is what they lean towards. So you have three and four carats which are very base and you have the 5-carat club which has many who wear diamond Rings that are over five carats. Then you have the higher than that diamond lovers and these might go up to any amount of carats depending on the weight that their slim fingers can carry. When you see a diamond dazzle, sometimes you tend to forget all else and get lost in its spell. It is however prominent to remember that however great a diamond looks, you must make sure you are getting what you pay for, weight and appearance aside.

It pays to be practical and to make sure that what you are buying is a certified diamond. Every diamond comes with its own certification and when you have this, you know that what you have is the real thing.

diamond Rings: The Carat Club

What does a diamond certificate contain? It contains all the relevant facts about a diamond like its size or weight, its cut and any characteristics that it might have like the colour or markings if any. A diamond is graded by labs that are recognised by the diamond manufactures and these are completely reliable and their grading reports are held in great respect. So how this helps is that even if your diamond were to get misplaced or stolen, this certificate will be the one which helps the stone to be identified. diamond Rings get the value thanks to a large extent due to the diamond or diamonds in them. That is why it is significant to have this certificate. Years later, maybe when you need to assess the diamond again, you'll be glad you did.

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