Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Toxins Destroy Your healthy Assets - Wake Up Call - Ring, Ring

Your body is calling out to you, but are you listening? When you eat or drink something that gives you a headache, upset stomach, congestion, sneezing, skin eruptions, aches and pains, do you stop? Digesting foods, beverages, and miscellaneous things, (Otc drugs, chemicals in products . . .) determines how our body's power resources, process the nutrients that keep us running at optimum or impairs our immune theory with toxins.

Why do we put so many things into our bodies without consideRing the consequences? every person does it with things that are enduRingly advertised. We're in America, the free business theory and manufacture money (greed) seems to be more prominent than our health, for some company's. So when you hear contradicting reports in the media pertaining to foods, herbs, vitamins, drugs, pollution; these reports are telling you what's beneficial or not. Remember someone paid for those results and depending on whom that someone is, the results keep changing. Listen to your body, find what's best for you.

Alcohol, tobacco, processed sugar and coffee react like toxins in our bodies. These four toxins cause mayhem with our minds and bodies by eliminating the vitamins and minerals that enable us to stay healthy. If we're not eating nutritionally and these 4 toxins are in constant intake, we're harming ourselves. Our kidney's and liver do the majority of the work, trying to digest and cleanse the impurities but since we can't see inside we don't comprehend how we're damaging our organs until it's too late. Our bodies give us warming signs, but we have to pay attention.

Toxins Destroy Your healthy Assets - Wake Up Call - Ring, Ring

Alcohol dehydrates and robs our body of nutrients. The derogatory effects you can see on our skin, eyes, hair and tongue. Have you ever noticed someone with beautiful, shinny thick hair and after years of drinking alcohol, it was dry and thin. You look into their eyes and the whites are now yellow or their skin is so dry and complexion is drab. Are there so many Aa meetings, because alcohol is good for us? Sometimes the relaxing effects are well worth an evening of indulgence, if you're of legal drinking age. But night after night it's a red flag and nutrient deficient.

Burning cigarettes furnish carcinogens that deplete the oxygen to your brain and blood vessels while you're inhaling poison to your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. This data is undeniable and lung cancer is the killer. Second hand smoke does take away from the habitancy colse to you by eliminating the oxygen from what they're breathing. This is the most harmful thing that you can legally do to yourself and the someone beside you. Third hand smoke transfers to those you kiss or touch and the poison is passed on to them, especially with children.

Sugar and coffee adjust our moods and reactions, without us being totally conscious of the side effects. Sugar suppresses the immune theory and depletes nutrients like potassium and magnesium with side effects of hypertension. Both are short term stimulates that play havoc with our nervous and immune systems creating fatigue, anxiety, irritability, headaches and insomnia. When you come down from the short term high they provide, how edgy, tired or achy do you feel? The extremes of coffee and sugar de facto do take a toll on our nerves and joints. The stiffness or pain in your fingers, knees and elbows occur from dehydration and the depletion of vitamins and minerals.

Anything we're addicted to will originate headaches or cravings when we stop. You can start by drinking a lot of water to help replace the habit. Mix it up with flat and sparkling water, add a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange so you consume at least 2 liters of water per day. When your body is hydrated you'll feel less stressed out and all your systems will function more effectively. The best side effect of not drinking coffee is that you don't wake up tired in the morning. anyone with insomnia is not getting sleep and that's affecting the body's natural time to regenerate.

Recently, I had a combine friends die of cancer ranging in age from 35 to 65. I started researching cause and effects. Reading books and articles on the subject, I also attended an out patience meeting at one of the Wellness Centers here in Ca . It was surprising how many cancer patience's had contradicting data from their doctors. But when I asked the alternative doctor if there was one thing that every person should cut out of their diet to help stop cancer -the riposte was sugar. It activates the harmful cells that rapidly spread throughout the body. Diabetes runs rampant straight through both sides of my family, so that made sense to me. Think about all the empty calories, there's no nutritional value. How many habitancy have you known that have passed on from cancer? food is the preventive cure for cancer.

When we begin eliminating animal fats from our intake and we keep processed foods and preservatives out, that allows the arteries to stay clear and digestion runs more efficiently. The composition of eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily comprise vitamins, minerals and fiber and along with drinking H2O, keeps the body hydrated, which is 80% fluids. Our heart is pumping an mean of 5 liters of blood per tiny carrying nutrients and oxygen that we need to stay alive. The basics of water, oxygen, sleep, practice and potential foods should never be under rated.

Exercising on a quarterly basis, we do look and feel better. Something corporal everyday like taking a long walk, hiking, an aerobics class, Pilates, yoga, anyone that will get your blood pumping and your body sweating out the toxins. Genetics can count for a lot but eating nutritionally and practice helps improve the immune system. There is nothing more tantalizing than a wholesome mind and body, complimented by a gorgeous heart and soul.

Balance and harmony in our daily lives starts with nutrition. Mentally and physically we're developing our essence, power and spirit. We mature into effective human beings that maintain emotional stability and Peace of Mind with an optimistic attitude when our condition takes top priority. Common sense develops from our experiences when we keep things in perspective by insight the true value of food and the reasons why things happen the way they do. It's breathtaking how much better you'll feel when decreasing toxins from your daily intake. straight through knowledge and self control, we can eliminate the burden of persisting diseases together with cardiovascular, cancers, diabetes and obesity. When we wake up in the morning and we feel good, the sun does shine brighter. Enjoying life is the key to success.

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